25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan

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25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan

25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan

Here, we bestow the most exquisite and required 25x50 House Plan or 5 Marla House Plan. There are immense amounts of 25x50 plots in towns and social orders, which is the reason we are sharing this superb and totally extreme 25x50 House Plan or 5 Marla House Plan. This 25x50 House Plan or 5 Marla House Plan will cover all of the client's necessities in the Plan for 525x50 House Plan or 5 Marla House Design. We really need to accept that you will revere our most stunning 25x50 House Plan or 5 Marla House Plan.

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5 Marla House Plan | 25x50 House Plan

In this 25x50 House Plan or 5 Marla House Plan, there is a 9'- 0" wide head entryway with a 3'- 6" wide wicket doorway and besides with 11'- 9" x 2'- 6" front yard for ventilation or we can include the front grass as dress. In this 25x50 House Plan or 5 Marla House Plan, we made a 9'- 0" x 17'- 0" vehicle porch which is enough for standard vehicles in the 25x50 House Plan or 5 Marla House Plan. On the right 50% of the vehicle porch, there are steps which are going up to the fundamental floor and the size of the means is 3'- 6" which is adequate for the means in a25x50 House Plan or 5 Marla House Plan. On the went out25x50 House Plan or 5 Marla House Plan, there is a 11'- 0" x 11'- 7½" drawing-space for the setting locale with 3'- 6" wide entrance and 6'- 0" wide window for the ventilation of the drawing-room which is opening to the front yard. This 11'- 0" x 11'- 7½" wide drawing-room has a 6'- 6" x 4'- 1½" got washroom together with 2'- 6" wide entrance. There is a 4'- 0" x 3'- 4½" wide opening on the left 50% of the washroom for ventilation of the shower and the kitchen. Right when we go into the house the 5'- 0" wide essential doorway, there is a 14'- 6" x 11'- 0" wide parlor for the family which is adequate for the family in a 25x50 House Plan or 5 Marla House Plan. On the left 50% of this parlor in this 25x50 House Plan or 5 Marla House Plan, there is a 9'- 0" x 9'- 0" kitchen with a 3'- 0" wide entrance and a 4'- 0" wide window for ventilation. In this 25x50 House Plan or 5 Marla House Plan, we made two rooms as per client essentials and the size of the correct room is 11'- 0" x 12'- 0" with 3'- 0" x 5'- 0" dress and 6'- 0" x 5'- 0" joined bathroom. The entrance size of the room is 3'- 6" and the window size of the room is 2'- 6" which is opening to the lawn for ventilation. In this 25x50 House Plan or 5 Marla House Plan, the size of the left side room is 12'- 6" x 14'- 0" which is the primary room in this 25x50 House Plan or 5 Marla House Plan with 3'- 0" x 5'- 0" dress and 6'- 6" x 5'- 0" joined bathroom. The entrance size of the fundamental room is 3'- 6" wide and the window size of the primary room is 2'- 6" wide which is opening on the back grass. In this 25x50 House Plan or 5 Marla House Plan, there is a back open in the point of convergence of the showers and the size of the opening is 5'- 0" x 5'- 0" which is enough for ventilation in 25x50 House Plan or 5 Marla House Plan.

30x50 House Plan PDF | 6 Marla House Plan PDF | 30x50 House Map PDF
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Design
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Design | 5 Marla House Plan | 5 Marla House Designs 
First Floor Plan of 25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Design | 5 Marla House Plan
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan

25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan

On the essential floor of the 25x50 House Plan or 5 Marla House Plan, there is a 12'- 0" x 7'- 0" wide stairwell for steps in which the means go up to the most elevated level and moreover go to the virus earth floor. The vehicle deck is changed into the mentioned room on the fundamental floor and the size of the mentioned room is 12'- 0" x 8'- 6" with a 7'- 0" wide window for ventilation of the requesting of paradise room. On the essential floor of the 25x50 House Plan or 5 Marla House Plan. the drawing-room is changed into a room and the size of the room is 11'- 0" x 11'- 7½" with a 3'- 6" wide entrance and 7'- 0" wide window for ventilation. This room has an associated washroom and the size of the bathroom is 6'- 6" x 4'- 1½" with a 2'- 6" wide entrance. Right when we enter the underlying floor through the 5'- 0" wide essential doorway, there is a 14'- 6" x 11'- 0" wide parlor for the family setting locale in this 25x50 House Plan or 5 Marla House Plan. On the left 50% of the parlor, we made a 9'- 0" x 9'- 0" wide kitchen with a 3'- 0" wide doorway and a 4'- 0" wide window for ventilation. On the essential floor of this 25x50 House Plan or 5 Marla House Plan, we made two rooms in which one for the adolescent and one for the fundamental room. The size of the youth's room is 12'- 0" x 11'- 0" with a 3'- 6" wide doorway and 2'- 6" wide window. This room has a joined dress and shower and the size of the dress is 3' x 5" and the washroom size is 6'- 0" x 5'- 0" wide. In this 25x50 House Plan or 5 Marla House Plan, the size of the primary room is 12'- 6" x 14'- 0" with 3'- 0" x 5'- 0" dress and 6'- 6" x 5'- 0" associated bathroom. On the back of the room, we made a 5'- 0" x 5'- 0" opening for the ventilation for these two rooms and for associated bathrooms.
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Design | 5 Marla House Plan | 5 Marla House Designs | Design for 5 Marla House
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan

25x50 House Plan, 5 Marla House Design, 5 Marla House Plan, 5 Marla House Designs, 25x50 House Map, 25x50 House Design, Design for 5 Marla House, Design of 5 Marla House, Design 5 Marla House, 6 Marla House Design, and 7 Marla House Design.

25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Design
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Design | 5 Marla House Plan | 5 Marla House Designs 
25x50 House Plan, 5 Marla House Design, 5 Marla House Plan, 5 Marla House Designs, 25x50 House Map, 25x50 House Design, Design for 5 Marla House, Design of 5 Marla House, Design 5 Marla House, 6 Marla House Design, and 7 Marla House Design.
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan

25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan

25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan

25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan

25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan

25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan
25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan

25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan

25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan

25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan

25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan

25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan

25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan

25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan

25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Plan

We hope you will like our We trust you like this  25x50 House Plan, 5 Marla House Design, 5 Marla House Plan, 5 Marla House Design, and 5 Marla House Plan. Our rate is completely reasonable. Enduring you need to make a 25x50 House Plan, 5 Marla House Design, 5 Marla House Plan, 5 Marla House Design, or 5 Marla House Plan with us, reach us on WhatsApp.

25x50 House Plan | 5 Marla House Design

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